Thursday, November 13, 2008

Three of my roommates and I decided not to go to family home evening one Monday night because of unnecessary drama and the fact that everyone likes everyone and we are the only ones that do not find our FHE brothers attractive. (And the activity was karaoke, which, those who know me well, I don't go for.) So we skipped and went to the local HORKley's to get humongous soda cups. When we got home we made massive amounts of cookie dough and put them in bowls (as pictured below).

So I ended up getting a massive stomach ache and a new apreciation for tums.


Sarah said...

Amy- you are SO cute! Those pics and the story are great! I love and miss you very much! Glad you're havin fun. Are you coming down for thanksgiving?!?

Lisa said...

Haha - I so miss Horkley's soda - so much soda for so little money!

Aaron Hill said...

Eww, just looking at those huge bowls of cookie dough makes my tummy hurt. Hope you had some Pepto Bismuth on hand!